Robert D. Reisz
Prof univ. dr.

Birou 511
Robert D. Reisz este profesor la departamentul de științe politice al Universității de Vest
din Timișoara și decan al Facultății de Științe Politice, Filozofie și Științe ale
Comunicării. Principalul lui domeniu de cercetare sunt politicile învățământului superior,
dar a publicate și despre politici educaționale în general, migrație și alte teme. Prof. Reisz
este și președintele secțiunii de sociologia educației din cadrul Societății Sociologilor din
De-a lungul anilor a lucrat ca și cercetător la International Center for Higher Education and Research (INCHER) Kassel, Germania, la Hungarian Institute for Education Research (HIER), Budapesta, la Institute for Higher Education Research (HoF), Wittenberg, Germania și a fost bursier al Colegiului Noua Europă (NEC), București și al Collegium Helveticum din Zürich. A publicat până acum 9 cărți, 45 articole în reviste cu referenți, și 30 de capitole de cărți.
Robert D. Reisz is a professor at the Department of Political Science of the West University of Timișoara and dean of the Faculty of Political Science, Philosophy and Communication Sciences. His major research area is higher education policy, but he has also published on educational policy in general, migration and other subjects. Prof. Reisz is the president of the sociology of education section of the Society of Romanian Sociologists.
He has work previously at the International Center for Higher Education and Research (INCHER) Kassel, Germany, the Hungarian Institute for Education Research (HIER), Budapest, the Institute for Higher Education Research (HoF), Wittenberg, Germany and was a fellow of the New Europe College (NEC), Bucharest and the Collegium Helveticum in Zürich. He has published 9 books, 45 papers in peer- reviewed journals and 30 book chapters.
De-a lungul anilor a lucrat ca și cercetător la International Center for Higher Education and Research (INCHER) Kassel, Germania, la Hungarian Institute for Education Research (HIER), Budapesta, la Institute for Higher Education Research (HoF), Wittenberg, Germania și a fost bursier al Colegiului Noua Europă (NEC), București și al Collegium Helveticum din Zürich. A publicat până acum 9 cărți, 45 articole în reviste cu referenți, și 30 de capitole de cărți.
Robert D. Reisz is a professor at the Department of Political Science of the West University of Timișoara and dean of the Faculty of Political Science, Philosophy and Communication Sciences. His major research area is higher education policy, but he has also published on educational policy in general, migration and other subjects. Prof. Reisz is the president of the sociology of education section of the Society of Romanian Sociologists.
He has work previously at the International Center for Higher Education and Research (INCHER) Kassel, Germany, the Hungarian Institute for Education Research (HIER), Budapest, the Institute for Higher Education Research (HoF), Wittenberg, Germany and was a fellow of the New Europe College (NEC), Bucharest and the Collegium Helveticum in Zürich. He has published 9 books, 45 papers in peer- reviewed journals and 30 book chapters.
1. Robert D. Reisz, Manfred Stock, Inklusion in Hochschulen. Beteiligung an der Hochschulbildung und gesellschaftliche Entwicklung in Europa und in den USA (1950-2000). Lemmens Verlag, Bonn, 2007, 149 p.
2. Enrique Fernandez Darraz, Gero Lenhardt, Robert D. Reisz, Manfred Stock, Hochschulprivatisierung und akademische Freiheit. Deutschland, USA, Rumänien, Chile, transcript Verlag, Science Studies Reihe, Bielefeld, Oktober 2010, 197 p
3. Robert D. Reisz, Eseuri despre universități și alte teme, Editura Institutul European, Iași, Romania, 2017, 148 p. (prefața de Adrian Miroiu)
4. Robert D. Reisz, Carte de statistică. Rețete încercate, Editura Tritonic, București, Romania, 2017, 285 p.
Papers in peer-reviewed journals
1. Zwischen Expansion und Kontraktion. Zur Inklusion ins Hochschulsystem in Osteuropa 1950 – 2000, Berliner Journal fur Soziologie, Vol. 16, No. 1 / 2006, with Manfred Stock., p.77-93.
2. Theorie der Weltgesellschaft und statistische Modelle im soziologischen Neo- institutionalismus, Zeitschrift für Soziologie, Jg. 36, Heft 2 / 2007 p. 82-99. with Manfred Stock.
3. „Amerikanische Eliteuniversitäten“. Selective Colleges and Major Research Universities, Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft, Jg. 11, Heft 4 / 2008, with Manfred Stock and Gero Lenhardt, p. 559-576.
4. Private higher education and economical development, European Journal of Education, Wiley-Blackwell, Nr. 2/2012, with Manfred Stock, p.198-212.
5. Wandel akademischer Bildung und geschlechtsspezifische Bildungsbeteiligung, Sonderheft 2012 „Soziologische Bildungsforschung“, Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie, edited by Heike Solga and Rolf Becker, with Manfred Stock and Robert Schuster.
6. Does the market make us happy? Stock market and well-being, Economia politica - Journal of Analytical and Institutional Economics, nr. 1 / 2013, with Aurora Murgea, p. 51-68.
7. Hochschulexpansion, Wandel der Fächerproportionen und Akademikerarbeitslosigkeit in Deutschland, Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaften nr. 1 / 2013, with Manfred Stock, p. 137-156
8. Vertikale Differenzierung im privaten Hochschulsektor Eine explorative Studie zur Stratifizierung der Hochschulausbildung in Deutschland, Zeitschrift fur Erziehungswissenschaft, no. /2017, with Manfred Stock, Alexander Mitterle.
9. Emotional Convergence in Mass Media and Social Media in Election. Case study: Romania 2014, Transsylvanian Review of Administrative Sciences, no. 13(52)/2017, p. 94-109, with Lucian-Vasila Szabo
Contributions to books or conference proceedings
1. Daniel C. Levy, Snejana Slantcheva (ed.) Private Higher Education in Post- Communist Europe. In Search of Legitimacy. Palgrave Macmillan, April 2007, chapter “Legitimacy discourse and mission statements of private higher education institutions in Romania”, p. 135 – 156.
2. Justin J. W. Powell, David P. Baker, Frank Fernandez (ed.), The Century of Science: The Global Triumph of the Research University, Emerald Publishing (2017), chapter ”STEM+ Productivity, Development, and Wealth, 1900-2012”, p. 249 - 276 by Iris Mihai and Robert D. Reisz
1. Robert D. Reisz, Manfred Stock, Inklusion in Hochschulen. Beteiligung an der Hochschulbildung und gesellschaftliche Entwicklung in Europa und in den USA (1950-2000). Lemmens Verlag, Bonn, 2007, 149 p.
2. Enrique Fernandez Darraz, Gero Lenhardt, Robert D. Reisz, Manfred Stock, Hochschulprivatisierung und akademische Freiheit. Deutschland, USA, Rumänien, Chile, transcript Verlag, Science Studies Reihe, Bielefeld, Oktober 2010, 197 p
3. Robert D. Reisz, Eseuri despre universități și alte teme, Editura Institutul European, Iași, Romania, 2017, 148 p. (prefața de Adrian Miroiu)
4. Robert D. Reisz, Carte de statistică. Rețete încercate, Editura Tritonic, București, Romania, 2017, 285 p.
Papers in peer-reviewed journals
1. Zwischen Expansion und Kontraktion. Zur Inklusion ins Hochschulsystem in Osteuropa 1950 – 2000, Berliner Journal fur Soziologie, Vol. 16, No. 1 / 2006, with Manfred Stock., p.77-93.
2. Theorie der Weltgesellschaft und statistische Modelle im soziologischen Neo- institutionalismus, Zeitschrift für Soziologie, Jg. 36, Heft 2 / 2007 p. 82-99. with Manfred Stock.
3. „Amerikanische Eliteuniversitäten“. Selective Colleges and Major Research Universities, Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft, Jg. 11, Heft 4 / 2008, with Manfred Stock and Gero Lenhardt, p. 559-576.
4. Private higher education and economical development, European Journal of Education, Wiley-Blackwell, Nr. 2/2012, with Manfred Stock, p.198-212.
5. Wandel akademischer Bildung und geschlechtsspezifische Bildungsbeteiligung, Sonderheft 2012 „Soziologische Bildungsforschung“, Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie, edited by Heike Solga and Rolf Becker, with Manfred Stock and Robert Schuster.
6. Does the market make us happy? Stock market and well-being, Economia politica - Journal of Analytical and Institutional Economics, nr. 1 / 2013, with Aurora Murgea, p. 51-68.
7. Hochschulexpansion, Wandel der Fächerproportionen und Akademikerarbeitslosigkeit in Deutschland, Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaften nr. 1 / 2013, with Manfred Stock, p. 137-156
8. Vertikale Differenzierung im privaten Hochschulsektor Eine explorative Studie zur Stratifizierung der Hochschulausbildung in Deutschland, Zeitschrift fur Erziehungswissenschaft, no. /2017, with Manfred Stock, Alexander Mitterle.
9. Emotional Convergence in Mass Media and Social Media in Election. Case study: Romania 2014, Transsylvanian Review of Administrative Sciences, no. 13(52)/2017, p. 94-109, with Lucian-Vasila Szabo
Contributions to books or conference proceedings
1. Daniel C. Levy, Snejana Slantcheva (ed.) Private Higher Education in Post- Communist Europe. In Search of Legitimacy. Palgrave Macmillan, April 2007, chapter “Legitimacy discourse and mission statements of private higher education institutions in Romania”, p. 135 – 156.
2. Justin J. W. Powell, David P. Baker, Frank Fernandez (ed.), The Century of Science: The Global Triumph of the Research University, Emerald Publishing (2017), chapter ”STEM+ Productivity, Development, and Wealth, 1900-2012”, p. 249 - 276 by Iris Mihai and Robert D. Reisz
- Introducere în metode de cercetare (în limba germană)
- Statistică aplicată (în limba germană)
- Politici și sisteme educaționale (în limba engleză)