Political Studies Forum
Political Studies Forum series publishes contributions by researchers in the field of political studies, especially in connection to Central and Eastern European politics. Papers previously published in the series focused on topics related to EU enlargement, political elites, the dynamics of political parties in the post-communist context, and security issues. In the future, the series aims at broadening the scope of analysis to include new social movements, political economy of the region, social change, and regional development.
Political Studies Forum series is related to the International Symposium ‘Ideologies, values and political behaviors in Central and Eastern Europe’, organized by the Faculty of Political Science, Philosophy and Communication Studies. Currently at its 12th edition, the symposium has brought together scholars whose work contributed to the better understanding of recent trends and evolutions in Central and Eastern European politics. While related to the International Symposium ‘Ideologies, values and political behaviors in Central and Eastern Europe’, Political Studies Forum is not limited to publishing only those papers presented in the symposium.
Political Studies Forum is edited by the Politics Department in the Faculty of Political Science, Philosophy and Communication Studies, West University of Timişoara and welcomes contributions from researchers and academics interested in Central and Eastern European politics.
ISSN 2067–1318
Edited by the Political Science Department, Faculty of Political Sciences, Philosophy and Communication
Published at West University Press.
ISSN 2067–1318
Edited by the Political Science Department, Faculty of Political Sciences, Philosophy and Communication
Published at West University Press.
Political Studies Forum
Year 1, volume 1, 2009
Year 1, volume 1, 2009
Laura Cismaş and Andreea Asproniu, Flexicurity and Social Consensus in the Labour Market | 7
Athanasia Andriopoulou, European integration process and national identities: the case of Greece | 17
Andrea Sólyom, High school and university student’s political action patterns | 41
Corina Turşie, European Single Market into the 21st century -A Romanian Perspective | 81
Emanuel Copilaş, The ‘Moscow centre’ and its peripheries: an ideological overview of the Soviet Union’s difficulties as a multinational state | 113
Ciprian Niţu, Deliberative Democracy. Theoretical model and political realities in contemporary Romania | 147
Alexandru Jădăneanţ, Aspects regarding the Europeanization of the concept of citizenship | 161
Political Studies Forum
Year 2, volume 2,
Year 2, volume 2,
Katarzyna Dośpiał-Borysiak, „Eastern Partnership” of the EU in the Context of Twenty Years of Polish Foreign Policy – Priorities, Dimensions, Challenges | 7
Loredana Balteş, The Central and Eastern European revolutions from a French perspective | 27
Ciprian Niţu, ‘Coloured revolutions’ in comparative perspective |47
Emanuel Copilaş, Facing the `counterrevolution`. Romanian responses to the Hungarian crisis of 1956 | 67
Valentina Gîdea and Alexandra Pop, NPP during the interwar period and today | 137
Gina Tamas and Ion Berindan, EU’s support to Romania for transition to a market economy: PHARE, EBRD and the Association Agreements | 163
Dan Zbuchea, EU’s pre-accesion assistance to Romania | 181
Tanja Becker, Political communication in media society – analyzing the strategies of Verde pentru biciclete in Timişoara | 197
Political Studies Forum
Year 3, volume 3, 2011
Year 3, volume 3, 2011
Bernhard Prosch, Paddling Over the Sea of Social Research with a Bath Tub? – A Discussion of the Micro-Macro Model | 7
Janez Vodičar, Changing the School System and Education in Slovenia during the Run for Independency and the Question of Ideology | 22
Tomasz Kapuśniak, Power elites, oligarchy groups and civic society in Ukraine’s political scene | 41
Corina Turşie, Evolutions of the European Union’s democratic model. From representative to participatory democracy? | 53
Gina Liana Tămaş, The Historiography of the Concept of Central and Eastern Europe and the Historiography of Transition | 72
Ion Berindan, From the “Black Sea Synergy” to the “Eastern Partnership”. The EU’s involvement in the East after the last enlargement | 100
Cristiana Budac, Romania and the Struggle with the Communist Past | 118
Sofia Frunză, Cătălina Grigoraşi, Florenţa Toader, The Influence of the Candidate’s Name on the Voting Intention | 126
Mihai Panu, Totalitarian Regimes and Political Religions: Manifestations of Nazi ideology in interwar Banat | 142
Aurelian Giugăl, Electoral Systems in Romania. Governmental stability or representativeness? Brief overview of ways of voting | 159
Ciprian Niţu, The Law of Peoples and the cosmopolitan perspective on global justice | 171
Mădălina Virginia Antonescu Pseudo– ideologies in the context of paradigm of civilizations war: Islamo–fascism br>
Bruce Haddock and Ovidiu Caraiani, Nationalism and Democracy in Post-
Communist Romania | 7
Lubomír Lupták, Translating (in)security: some aspects of the field of (in)security professionals in Slovakia | 18
Petra L. Burzová, Political Exclusion and Stigmatization: the Symbol of Velvet Revolution in Post-socialist Slovakia |
Theodora-Eva Ormeny and Francisc-Norbert Ormeny, The metamorphosis of social practices.The Rortian plead for alternative social vocabularies | 51
Anca Filipovici, Interwar intellectuality in Romania: between “art for art’s sake” and political commitment | 70
Diana Adela Dinu, Ratzinger’s Perspective Regarding the Promotion of Christian Moral Values in Today’s World |84
Lubomír Lupták, Translating (in)security: some aspects of the field of (in)security professionals in Slovakia | 18
Petra L. Burzová, Political Exclusion and Stigmatization: the Symbol of Velvet Revolution in Post-socialist Slovakia |
Theodora-Eva Ormeny and Francisc-Norbert Ormeny, The metamorphosis of social practices.The Rortian plead for alternative social vocabularies | 51
Anca Filipovici, Interwar intellectuality in Romania: between “art for art’s sake” and political commitment | 70
Diana Adela Dinu, Ratzinger’s Perspective Regarding the Promotion of Christian Moral Values in Today’s World |84